- Fotofestiwal 2012 - http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/ -
Marek Domański
Curator: Aurelia Mandziuk
The photographs present objects I find or construct, and then stage in a studio. When constructing the set, I engage into the unrestrained game of symbols and meanings which appear in the field of my memory. I adjust these objects and create new marks on the film. I combine parallel spaces and create worlds existing only in photographs. In the method of staging I apply, photography constructs objects and spaces.
When seeking inspiration for my works, I refer to the most elementary and universal roots of our culture which I find in myths, kabala, alchemy and other traditions. Messages, often semiconsciously transferred from generation to generation in the form of various traditions, determine our community and also constitute the core of my message. Combined in this new form, they can once again become the foundation for reconstructing identity.
Also the publication designed by Michał Kacperczyk containing photographs from the series “Psychopompos” is presented during the exhibition.
Rewolucji 1905 r. 52
opening hours
10–13.05: Thu-Fri: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.; Sat-Sun: 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
14–24.05: Tue-Fri: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. (upon a phone call: 42 6315038 & 42 2995739)
opening: 9.05, 5 p.m.
exhibition will be held: 9–24.05
Article printed from Fotofestiwal 2012: http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/
URL to article: http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/programme/block-accompanying-exhibitions/marek-domanski/
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