- Fotofestiwal 2012 - http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/ -

WOMAN (2010-2012)

Collective Exhibition of the Association of Polish Art Photographers (ZPAF) – Lodz District
Curator: Piotr Szczegłów

A woman is a woman is a woman, but do we all perceive her in the same way? As a delicate, subtle, sensual being, or maybe as a strong and caring persona? ZPAF members will answer this question by presenting individual perceptions of female characters.

Nothing but photography enables noticing feminine beauty to such an extent. Every author, in a manner particular for him/her, will share the special moments in time during which the beauty of a woman’s gaze and sensual gesture was captured.

Piotrkowska 87
opening hours
Mon–Fri: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sat–Sun: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

opening: 08.05, 6 p.m.
exhibition will be held: 8–21.05

Article printed from Fotofestiwal 2012: http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/

URL to article: http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2012/en/programme/block-accompanying-exhibitions/woman-2010-2012/

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