- Fotofestiwal 2013 - http://www.fotofestiwal.com/2013/en/ -
Philip Schuette
Serendigraphy – Authentic, Fantastic, Daily, Surreal
This year alone the known 2,5 billion camera owners (mostly phone cameras) will produce a total of 375 billion images (if each only takes 150 photos); more than were ever taken during the analog age of photography.
The images shown are a direct result for of this development within photography. With everybody constantly taking pictures of almost everything, the chance to capture small chance events must increase proportionally.
And indeed thanks to the simultaneous interconnectedness this proves to be true. Most of the images before you have been made, enjoyed, and then shared within the last year.
From a photography standpoint the images are in the tradition of the Bresson’s ‘moment supreme’. Yet they extend the appeal and intricateness of the genre. In fact they form a new genre – serendigraphy (lucky accidental discoveries analogous to those of the three princes of Serendip) or ‘moment accident’ with the same or even broader appeal.
Important Notice: All copyrights are held by the respective photographers and only used here with tremendous gratitude and respect.
Born in Nürnberg, Germany Philip Schuette started his art education in Barcelona, continued in Amsterdam (Rietveld) and finished at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague. Simultaneously, he finished a scientific education in (political) psychology and scientific methods at the University of Munich, Amsterdam and Columbia in New York. He is interested in how we inform ourselves about the world, and what we do with it. He uses the means of photography to communicate his searches and findings. Currently algorithms and automatisms play a big part in this. He tries to unthink the rules, genres and products of visual information and photography based on his background as a digital and scientific enthusiast (this means he plays with photography).
Festival Centre
Piotrkowska 138/140
opening hours
6.06 (Thu): 6 pm. – 10 pm.
7.06-16.06 (Mon-Sun): 11 am. – 8 pm.
latest entrance: 7.00 pm.
opening: 6.06, 7 p.m.
exhibition is held: 6-16.06