Finalists of Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2016!
2 February 2016

This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! We are happy to  announce the finalists of Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2016.From hundreds of submissions for Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2016 the Jury members have chosen the best projects! We would like to thank the experts for their commitment and cooperation. Thanks to them we know the finalists of the competition.

Ten projects will be presented during the exhibition in the festival center, another ten we will be able to admire as a slide show and the entire group of finalists is invited to participate in portfolio review free of charge.

The winner will be announced at the opening of the festival in June. We can’t wait!


Carlos Alba (Spain)
Sanne De Wilde (Belgium)
David Fathi (France)
Nick Hannes (Belgium)
Patryk Karbowski (Poland)
Birte Kaufmann (Germany)
Karolin Klüppel (Germany)
Jewgeni Roppel (Germany)
Shadman Shahid (Bangladesh)
Yurian Quintanas (Spain)


Lena Dobrowolska i Teo Ormond- Skeaping (Poland / United Kingdom)
Natalia Dołgowska (Poland)
Amy Friend (Canada)
Elis Hoffman (Sweden)
Gundlach Kai-Uwe (Germany)
Anastasiya Lazurenko (Ukrain)
Alexandra Pouzet (France)
Reiner Riedler (Austria)
Lubo i Monika Stacho (Slovakia)
Alnis Stakle (Latvia)


Alfonso Almendros (Finland)
Karl Burke (Ireland)
Victor Cobo (USA)
Ulla Deventer (Germany)
Jacek Fota (Poland)
Kirill Golovchenko (Ukraine)
Annika Haas (Estonia)
Robert Harding Pittman (USA/ Germany)
Verena Jaekel (Germany)
Taro Karibe (Japan)
Thiemo Kloss (Germany)
Wawrzyniec Kolbusz (Poland)
Yulia Krivich (Ukraine / Poland)
Alban Lecuyer (France)
Alexandra Lethbridge (UK)
Julien Lombardi (France)
Jan Maschinski (Germany)
Dara McGrath (Ireland)
Alexandra Polina (Germany)
Ulrike Schmitz (Germany)
Stefanie Schultz (Germany)
Michał Siarek (Poland)
Michał Sierakowski (Poland)
Viktoria Sorochinski (Germany)
Michele Tagliaferri (Spain)
Catrine Val (Germany)
Filippo Venturi (Italy)
Vojtech Veskrna (Czech Republic)
Ola Walków (Poland)
Natalia Wiernik (Poland)