Hit the Print

Hit the Print
archival photography workshops

The objective of the workshops is to show the processes and the strategies which need to be adopted for the production and protection of photographs in the archival standard. The example of prints prepared for the exhibition CHIM: DAVID SEYMOUR, CITIZEN OF THE WORLD will allow us to follow the production process step by step. The first part of the workshops will consist in a lecture, during which the theoretical issues regarding colour management, soft proofing and preparation of files for printing will be discussed. The second part will provide an opportunity to put the theory into practice and to personally see how it works. The workshops will teach you almost everything you need to know in order to prepare a photograph in a museum or collector print standard:

– archival printing: types of bases, HP pigment inks
– types of photographic framing
– certificates
– signing photographs

The workshops will be conducted by:
Bartłomiej Talaga, lecturer and doctoral student at the Polish National Film School, who will present the know-how of colour management and image postproduction in an accessible manner. His experience in cooperation with many printing houses and professional service points, as well as his teaching work, allowed him to discover the mistakes made repetitively by photographers during unskillful preparation of files for printing.  Due to his extensive knowledge of photographic bases and printing techniques, he will be able to advise you on what material to choose to give your series the appropriate form.