Quantity and an excellent quality of the received projects is always surprising. It wasn’t any different this time. Jury members had some tough decisions to make and we are very grateful for their time and dedication.
It’s always a great pleasure to announce the list of the finalists of Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2017. Among 500 applications, Jury members:
- Emma Bowkett (Financial Times FT Weekend Magazine, Port Magazine)
- David Fathi (photographer, winner of the Grand Prix Fotofestiwal 2016)
- Clément Saccomani (NOOR)
- Sayaka Takahashi (PGI- the photo gallery in Tokyo)
- Krzysztof Candrowicz (Fotofestiwal, Hamburg Triennial of Photography)
- Marta Szymańska (Fotofestiwal, Archeology of Photography Foundation)
have chosen 10 finalists whose exhibitions will be shown during Fotofestiwal and 10 photographers whose projects will be presented as the special slide show presentation in the urban space. Additionally, 22 people will be invited to take part in the portfolio review.
One surprise is still ahead of us – THE WINNER OF GRAND PRIX FOTOFESTIWAL 2017. His/her name will be presented the 1st of June at the opening ceremony of Fotofestiwal 2017.
We would like to thank all the authors for sending their applications and congratulate the finalists. Because of you the Grand Prix Fotofestiwal project exists for 13 years and continually gives us new inspirations.
- Alexandra Lethbridge, Great Britain, “Other Ways of Knowing”, http://www.alexandralethbridge.com/
- Andrea & Magda, Italy and France, “Sinai Park”, www.andrea-magda.com
- Dominika Gęsicka, Poland, “This Is Not Real Life”, www.dominikagesicka.com
- Ge Zeng, China, “Hallucination”, zzzzge.lofter.com
- Jerome Ming, Great Britain, “Oobanken”, www.jeromeming.com
- Loulou D’aki, Sweden, “Make a Wish”, www.dakiloulou.com
- Oliver Tooke, Great Britain, “Untitled”, www.olivertooke.co.uk
- Viacheslav Poliakov, Ukraine, “Lviv- God’s Will”, www.poliakov-photography.tumblr.com
- Vittorio Mortarotti & Anush Hamzehian, Italy and France, “Most Were Silent”, www.hamzehianmortarotti.com
- Wojciech Grzędziński, Poland, “Flashbacks”, www.wojciechgrzedzinski.com
- Anna Shimshak, USA, “Angels in the Blue”, www.annashimshak.com
- Iveta Vaivode, Latvia, “Sword Lillies”, www.ivetavaivode.com
- Jorge Fuembuena, Spain, “The Last Lights”, www.jorgefuembuena.com
- Julien Chatelin, France, “China West”, www.jullienchatelin.com
- Kaja Rata, Poland, “Kajnikaj”, www.cargocollective.com/kajarata
- Louis De Belle, Italy, “Besides Faith”, www.louisdebelle.com
- Łukasz Rusznica, Poland, “Somethimes the Border Is Thin”, www.lukaszrusznica.com
- Michał Łuczak, Poland, “Primer”, www.michal-luczak.com
- Michel Le Belhomme, France, “The Two Labyrinths”, www.muthos.fr
- Zacharie Gaudrillot-Roy, France, “Dusk to Dawn”, www.zachariegaudrillot-roy.com
Artists invited to take part in the PORTFOLIO REVIEW:
- Alexandra Polina
- Anita Cruz-Eberhard & David Howe
- Brice Krummenacker
- Brigitte Lustenberger
- Chen Haishu
- Chris Hartung
- Dana Balajovsky
- Diego Ballestrasse
- Dorian Teti
- Elena Subach
- Elsa Leydier
- Evita Goze
- Giulia Mangione
- Jakob Ganslmeier
- Jan Cieślikiewicz
- Kacper Kowalski
- Łukasz Friedrich
- Mara Sánchez-Renero
- Michał Adamski
- Miriam Stanke
- Sasha Maslov
- Viktoria Sorochinski