Łódź Film School will present photographs taken by its students, graduates and teachers. The project entitled “Back to the Paradise” comprises about 90 photographs, in which artists touch the themes of nature, empathy, care and observation of mutual relations. The starting point is a man with all his judgements, relationships, knowledge and culture – but the nature, as the natural link between people, is the artistic challenge.
Agnieszka Wąsik, Magdalena Adamczewska, Karolina Adamczyk, Anna Bors, Aleksandra Buczkowska-Przeździk, Justyna Bugajska, Maciej Butkowski, Aleksandra Chciuk, Tymon Iwański, Karolina Jabcoń, Paulina Podlasińska, Sonia Szóstak, Aleksandra Surdacka, Marek Szyryk, Malwina Wachulec, Michał Zieliński, Bartłomiej Talaga, Tomasz Wysocki, Kacper Bartczak, Dariusz Gapski, Artur Gutowski, Katarzyna Maluga
Piotrkowska 138/140
opening hours
8.06-16.06 (Mon-Sun): 12.00-19.00
opening: 8.06, 5.30 pm.
exhibition is held: 8-16.06