Paper Beats Rocks

Workshops series (three 2-days meetings)     

Workshop leader: Paper Beats Rock collective
When: 14-15.06.2014
Place: Łącznik, Wi-Ma, Piłsudskiego 135
Cost: 600 PLN (includes: workshops, consultations, materials (test prints) snacks and drinks, it does not include transportation, housing, meals and costs of making of a dummy book)
Limit: 7 persons
Application deadline: May 21th 2014
Anouncement of the participants: May 28st 2014
Contact person: Michał Siarek

The workshops are directed at photographers or artists using photographic imagery. We are looking for works in progress which just have entered or are entering editing stage. In practice it means that the author already knows what kind of a story she wants to tell, but is unsure about the form which the book shoul be taking.

According to one of the main PBR concepts the workshop does not encourage teacher-student relation. It is not a masterclass. We believe that, more than complex lectures and seminars, we nee discussion, engagement and intensive work. In this way the workshop is a chance for a free flow of ideas and build up of mutual inspiration.

The workshop consists from both theoretical and practical parts which include subjects such as photoediting, creating a narrative, physical aspects of making a book, photo processing, color proofing, basics ideas in graphic design and DTP, bookbinding, DIY and self-publishing culture, visual sociology and professional aspects of self-publishing.

The workshop will be conducted in a form of three 2 day long meeting. Participants will be working with the PBR team on a chosen project work. They will move along and experience the whole process of prepaing a self-published book- from idea, to the very last stitch in the dummy which will conclude the last session.

Our meeting will begin with  a short talk bordering with visual sociology. We need to build up an understanding why do we need to build up historical and contextual foundation for our work, and how this foundation can be emphasized by a conscious use of formal solutions.

We believe that photography today is a social skill and that the difference between an amateur and professional artist (compulsive record vs conscious actions) is fading away making effective communication through imagery virtually impossible, once the image is not captioned in any way. Using examples we will try to point out how big influence form, sequence and narrative building tools have on the story you are willing to tell. This eventually leads to a reevaluation of traditional understanding of who an artist is.

The rest of the day will be devoted to getting to know each other and each other’s projects. We will be presenting our projects and discussing possible directions our works can venture into. We will be referring to authors, artworks and publications so that workshop participants will have a hands on examples how a certain mechanic works. On location we will have our book collection and many digital volumes. Since the day one workshop leaders are 100% devoted to participants‘ projects. We do not mind working late or unusual hours and consult your projects past workshop time.

Second stage of work will start with sequencing. It often is a long and strenuous activity which will last up until the point when we will have a dummy book ready to print. Book projects almost never evolve in one directions – there are multiple aspects that have to be accounted for – the ways the narrative is lead, composition and form and technology. We will be working individually with each participant which gives us a biggest chance to share our insights and brainstorm together. As the work progresses we will be also introducing how to use design software and work our  way to the detailed knowledge which can serve every individual project. We almost become a laboratory.

By trial and error, constantly confronting and engaging with the participants we are creating a collective work atmosphere in which skills such as asking yourself right questions become a starting point for developing personal voice, or even a whole language.

Paper Beats Rock is a publishing enterprise, educational programme, pop-up library and a collective of  creatives. Our undertaking is an answer for the lack of institutions which in an unrestrained way could offer help young artists in developing their projects. As we have already pointed out using images is a social skill, consequently the gap between an amateur and professional is dissapearing. We believe that this is not a bad thing – we want the voice of unknown but often interesting artists be heard. /

Applicants interested in taking part in the workshop shall be sending us: 15 photographs,the description of the project they are willing to make. (written description t is absolutely a vital part of the application. It can be as short as a paragraph but not longer than 1 A4 page), short bio and a contact number. Our email is: Please bear in mind that your email should not be bigger than 20mb to ensure that we get the message

Admission process is divided into 2 stages:
Stage I – application screening (results 22.05)
Stage II – informal interview (results 28.05)

Workshops are conducted in Polish/ and or / in English depending on the participants needs. All the participants will be informed if their application was successful until May 28th 2014. Upon cancellation workshop costs will be  returned only if it is made 10 days prior to the beginning of the first session.

Artistic Printhouse Empresse, a partner of the Fotofestiwal 2014, will support one of the participants’ projects by financing the production of their mock-up. The winner will be chosen by the printhouse representatives in a contest in which both design quality and the conceptualization will be taken into consideration. The award will take form of a one-off grant. The details of the final cooperation will be agreed individually.