The Performative Beuys, Joseph Beuys
No Such Thing as a Real Orient, Vangelis Georgas
Vladimír Birgus: Photographs, Vladimír Birgus
Strings of time part 3: Hybrids of Space-time, Izabella Gustowska
Lodz – Multiply Portrait, Inge Hondebrink
Polish Patterns III, Kacper Kowalski
Stories of presence – group exhibition of PWSFTviT students
I, You, We. Institute of Creative Photography, Silesian University in Opava
Unnecessary, Tomasz Komorowski
Nervus opticus, Marta J. Strzoda
Zero Interwoven, Karolina Hałatek
Orchard Beach Bronx NY, Tomasz Ferenc
Psychopompos – koda, Marek Domański
Roombook 5 – The War of Images, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Views!, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
FREE D? – group exhibition of fourth-year students of PWSFTviT